M S Dhoni Global School is one of the first schools in India Partnering with Microsoft through their Showcase School Program streamlined our approach to bringing 21st-century education in a structured manner. While aiming for inclusive training, we now understand an individual’s needs and foster each student’s interest areas. Our school is entitled to access products and services provided by Microsoft as part of their Education Transformation Framework.

Our faculty members undergo arduous training sessions to earn the prestigious 3-level certification to become Microsoft Innovative Educator Trainer. With updates in technology, our teachers are trained by the best brains in the world to get ready for your child’s curiosity.
Having interactive classrooms allows our students to connect with peers around the world. We’re proud of exchanging benefits of cultural, ethnicity and regional practices to find a unique solution inspired by one another.
By being directly in contact with Microsoft Teams, our students will have full liberty to contribute ideas for evolving digital transformation technologies.
Open opportunities throughout the year to develop career-building skills through various premium certification courses. Your child gains access to professional help for pursuing their passion with the right guidance.
Utilizing Microsoft’s training and tools for catapulting solutions to real-time problems grants us the opportunity to showcase our feat to schools and institutions across the world; giving global exposure.
Our students get free access to webinars conducted by the industrial pioneers, a gallery containing video lectures of various complex concepts and other educational material for stimulating the knowledge bank
Microsoft offers premium use of its products- Office 365, OneNote, OneDrive, Surface and Windows OS to students, teachers and parents. In addition, Microsoft Innovative Educators( MIE) Experts drive innovation through exclusive training, webinars, group discussions and events held at regional and global platforms.